Ready for homeownership but don’t know where to start? Get answers to your home buying questions with this comprehensive 8-hour class. You’ll learn about grants and other down payment assistance as well as which mortgage is right for you. Workshops all meet the pre-purchase requirement for most lenders. The workshop will be held at Woodstock History Center, 26 Elm Street, Woodstock, VT, on Saturday, January 25, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Registration fee is $99 per household, and the first 10 households to register will receive a $25 gift card from Twin Pines Housing upon completion of the workshop. Learn more and register by calling 802-254-4604, or visiting Co-hosted with Windham & Windsor Housing Trust and Woodstock Community Trust.
As the Upper Valley community faced unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19, we found hope and inspiration in the outpouring of support from our neighbors and friends. This year we continued to move forward on several significant projects– finishing the first phase of Summer Park in Hanover and continuing major renovations at the Village at Crafts Hill in Lebanon – we also managed to complete Wentworth II in White River Junction and Wilder, VT.
Click this link to learn more in our 2020 Annual Report.
Twin Pines Housing
226 Holiday Drive, Suite 20
White River Junction, VT 05001
Phone: 802.291.7000
Fax: 802.291.7273

Twin Pines Housing is an equal opportunity provider and employer