A message to homeowners from Twin Pines Housing’s Homeownership Coordinator, Steve Usle:

Dear Twin Pines Housing Homeowner,

As Homeownership Coordinator for Twin Pines Housing, please know that I remain a resource for you concerning all Program needs during these difficult times.  Please know that I am always available to answer your questions via email or phone.  I will do my best to respond to any voice message left with me within 24 hours.  The best number to leave a message is 802 291-7000 (EXT. 102).
Twin Pines staff will continue to support the TPH community and programs. In order to efficiently reach a staff member, please refer to the staff contact list on our website. TPH will continue to monitor the COVID-19 virus. As the situation evolves, it will post updates on our website, Facebook page, and via email. It is regularly updating its procedures and protocols to insure all of its residents and staff are safe. Staff are being advised to monitor their own health and to take extra precautions.

Please take the necessary steps to ensure your own continued health by focusing on hand washing, staying away from large group gatherings, and avoiding contact with those who have been sick. For up-to-date information on the situation in Vermont, please visit the New Hampshire Department of Health or the Vermont Department of Health website.

To read updates on the virus worldwide, please visit the World Health Organization’s website. I look forward to serving your Homeownership needs in the future.  Thanks for your understanding.  Please be well and take care of yourself, and those close to you.



Steven A. Usle, Homeownership Coordinator
Twin Pines Housing
226 Holiday Drive Suite 20
White River Junction, VT 05001
802 291-7000 Ext. 102


To protect the health of our community and staff, we are making some changes to our normal routines:


  • ALL INSPECTIONS are cancelled until further notice.
  • WORK ORDERS will be limited to emergencies only.  The process remains the same: call 802-291-7000 during business hours.  After hours emergencies, call: 802-359-4046. PLEASE DO NOT CALL INDIVIDUAL STAFF! They will NOT be able to process work orders.
  • CLEANING and SANITIZING of common areas is scheduled daily.  It is important that residents understand they are responsible for their own health and safety in addition to our efforts. Please see the reverse side for CDC recommendations.


Property Management and Supportive Services:

  • Twin Pines office is closed to all walk-in traffic starting Tuesday, March 17, 2020.
  • We are not scheduling in-person meetings at this time, but will be available by phone.
  • Paperwork, rent checks, etc. can be put in the drop box outside the office, which will be checked daily.
  • Our Administrative Assistant staff will be taking calls during regular business hours at our main number: 802-291-7000.
  • Recertification paperwork must come to the office as soon as possible. If you need assistance, please email Jennie (Jennie.Gibson@tphtrust.org), or Holly (Holly.Palmer@tphtrust.org).
  • Please email, text, or mail the completed CONTACT CARD (postage is paid!) to Faye (Faye.Grearson@tphtrust.org), or Jen (Jennifer.Hobbs@tphtrust.org) at your earliest convenience.


As always, Twin Pines staff is here to support you with your housing related concerns.  Please do not hesitate to reach out.