Covid-19 Resources
During this pandemic, our Property Management and Supportive Services staff are available to take your calls and email during regular office hours. We understand that this is a time of constant change and great uncertainty. Our Supportive Services Team is here to help. They can help you assess your needs, and connect you with resources related to:
- Rent
- Unemployment
- Health Insurance
- Childcare
- Food Access
- and more
They are constantly updating their information as new resources become available, contact one of our team members today!
The following websites have practical resources and helpful information about Covid-19:
Vermont: Vermont Department of Health
New Hampshire: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Upper Valley: Upper Valley Strong
National: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
IRS: Information on Economic Impact Payment and application for non-filers
Or call:
Vermont 211 (802-652-4636 from outside of Vermont)
New Hampshire 211 (866-444-4211 from outside of New Hampshire)

Arwen Northern

Jennifer Hobbs

Laurie McMorrow