Ready for homeownership but don’t know where to start? Get answers to your home buying questions with this comprehensive 8-hour class. When finished, you’ll receive your Homebuyer Education Certificate, required by most local lenders. The workshop will be held at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Auditorium A, on Saturday, February 9th, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm. Registration fee is $99 per household, and the first 10 households to register will receive a $25 gift certificate upon completion of the workshop. Learn more and register by calling 800-974-1377, or visiting
Twin Pines Housing
226 Holiday Drive, Suite 20
White River Junction, VT 05001
Phone: 802.291.7000
Fax: 802.291.7273

Twin Pines Housing is an equal opportunity provider and employer